Monday, June 1, 2009

Kotaku Party, Microsoft and others having a press conference without me.

Just when I was starting to feel special about being able to go to E3, I realize that I'm not *that* special. The press conferences are going on today and I either can't get in or I have other things to attend to that keeps me from trying to force my way in. Oh well.

Last night was the Kotaku E3 party, held at the Golden Gopher bar in downtown Los Angeles. The entirety of the street outside of the bar reeked of urine, and I feared for our safety before going in, but then we ran in to a few friends who were there for some reason and ended up having a blast.

Above here you can see Kratos from the God of War 3 trailer playing on a very large screen in the bar. Beside me was the DJ, spinning fat beats such as the theme song from 'Mirror's Edge' and also probably something from Donkey Kong. Overall, there were about 90 men for every 1 woman, though some of the men had much larger breasts than any of the women.

Also, open bar for at least twenty minutes meant that I got a nice drink and ended up feeling just fine.

Now I'm hearing word that The Beatles and sons will be playing at the Microsoft press conference starting... right now! Watch it here now!

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