Friday, June 12, 2009

Xbox 360 to become your next PC.

With the announcement that Facebook, Twitter, and would be joining Microsoft on their race to become the true 'next-gen' console, it's hard to imagine how one would differ the machine from a PC. Most of these applications, Netflix included, have been strictly computer based longer than the 360, PS3, or Wii have been around, requiring an internet connection to handle. But, with the introduction of web browsing capabilities and social networking via Live and Home, is it any wonder that users of these services would want more?

Kotaku has an interesting article up, "When Will It Be Wrong To Call The Xbox 360 a Game Console?"

My personal opinion is that the 360 should have never been called strictly a 'gaming' console, by Microsoft or fans. It's a multi-media capable entertainment system that delivers movies, games, music, and social networking in a way that the Wii or PS3 cannot (at least not yet).

And if Microsoft continues to blur the line between console gaming and PC browsing, is that such a bad thing? How often have you found yourself sitting at a computer desk wishing to be elsewhere? Be honest -- how bogged down is your computer? Can it play a top-of-the-line game as well as a 360 can?

Let's start a discussion.

I have codes for the game Neo Steam: The Shattered Continent to give away for those of you who pique my interest!

Official Neo Steam Game: Free Downloads/Media Screenshots

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